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Influence of cooling system on performance of monofilament extruder machine

Apr. 25, 2020

Influence of cooling system on performance of monofilament extruder machine

The monofilament extruder machine will have some heat during the work. In order to make it work better, it will be equipped with a cooling system. Let us take a look at what effect this cooling system can have on the performance of the machine?

During the operation of the equipment, it is necessary to ensure a good cooling effect. In fact, the temperature of the lubricating fluid is too high, resulting in a decrease in the lubricating effect is a common problem in the drawing operation of the water tank. And when the lubricating effect decreases, the loss of phosphating layer on the surface of the steel wire will increase and the friction will increase, which will not only increase the heat generation, but also affect the service life of the mold. In severe cases, it may even lead to white cracking.

This is because under normal operating conditions, the lubricating fluid of the equipment will take away the heat generated by the wire deformation during the circulation process and act as a cooling fluid. If the cooling is insufficient, the temperature of the steel wire will increase, the strain aging time will be shortened, and the mechanical properties of the steel wire will deteriorate obviously, such as increased strength, reduced torsion value, and easy torsional cracks. In fact, in actual operation, high temperature will not only affect the performance of lubrication, mold and steel wire, but also cause the operating environment to deteriorate.

After analysis, it is found that the high temperature of the machine is also related to the high temperature in summer, and it can be mainly attributed to the cooling capacity of the lubricating fluid circulation cooling system cannot meet the increasing needs of the equipment. In other words, the cooling system cannot adapt to a higher production scale and cannot quickly remove a large amount of heat. In order to solve this problem, it is necessary to further enhance the cooling capacity of the system and improve the processing capacity of the lubricating fluid cooling system, thereby reducing the temperature to an appropriate level.

After improving the cooling system, the operating temperature of the equipment has been significantly reduced. In this way, the use effect and life cycle of the lubricant are improved, the mechanical properties of the steel wire are greatly improved, and the consumption of the mold is also reduced. After comparison, it was found that after the cooling conditions were improved, the lubricant consumption per ton of steel wire was reduced, and the number of wire twists increased.

The cooling system can reduce the temperature of the entire machine during operation, improve the surface of the machine's steel wire quality, and also improve the working environment of employees, which plays an important role.


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